Wednesday, June 3, 2009

41 Week Doctor Appointment

Today I had my 41 week doctor appointment (even though I'm not 41 weeks until Friday, but my doctor will be out of town then.) And to be honest, I really wasn't expecting to hear anything promising, except maybe a scheduled induction date.

The nurse told us that our induction date isn't until June 10th, which is next Wednesday. SERIOUSLY?!? That seems like FOREVER away! But since my doctor is out of town this weekend, Wednesday is the soonest they could schedule it. :(

The doctor came in and checked me and said that I was about 2cm dilated - which is more than the last month where I've been only 1cm every time!! So I was happy about that! But then he said that he was going to strip my membranes and that automatically took me to 3cm dilated! YAY! He also said that I was about 80% effaced and the baby's head is in the right position and ready to go. Finally some progress!! (Let me just say though, that getting my membranes stripped was VERY uncomfortable!)

So then the doctor talked to us about the induction but said that he doesn't think that we'll need to wait that long because he thinks I will go into labor on my own before then. (Kinda sad that he will be out of town this weekend, but I guess at this point I just want to hold my baby!)

I told him about the fever on Sunday night and not feeling the baby move, and he didn't seem concerned at all, which is good. I then told him that I was up almost ALL night last night because I couldn't sleep through the contractions I was having. I was trying to time them (using - makes things soooo much easier!) and at one point I was having them about every 5 minutes for about an hour - the kind that you can even feel in your back too!

By the time Tim got up to get ready for work at 3:45am, I was STILL awake and SUPER tired. I also had a headache and couldn't stop coughing, so I decided to take some Tylenol to hopefully help me sleep. Tim asked if I wanted him to stay home today, but I told him not to and that I would call him if my contractions got worse.

The Tylenol must have really worked because I was able to fall asleep for a few hours and when I woke up around 10:30am, I wasn't having anymore contractions. I was thinking maybe the Tylenol worked so well that it stopped my contractions - so I won't be taking anymore until this baby is out! Haha!

After we left the doctor's office, I started cramping and have been having some contractions off and on the rest of the day. So fingers crossed that the membrane stripping worked!!

Love, Michaela

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