Friday, July 24, 2009

Dancing in the Grass

On Tuesday Karsen and I were invited over to my best friend LeAnn's house for dinner so that her mom Connie could meet Karsen (and so LeAnn could see him again too). We decided to eat outside since it was so nice out and because Karsen calmed down when we were out there (he's such a boy). They have really nice grass in their backyard and I wanted to see how Karsen would react to being on the grass. We thought he wouldn't probably like it because it can be itchy, but after awhile he didn't seem to mind it at all.

Freaking out a little bit at first:
Still not quite sure about it:
Starting to calm down:
Not minding the grass at all:
Karsen was kicking his legs and punching his arms all over the place while he was laying on the grass (I like to say he's dancing when he does that). LeAnn decided that she was going to join in the fun! :-)

Monkey see, monkey do:

Thank you LeAnn and Connie for having us over! Can't wait to see you again!

Love, Michaela

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