Monday, July 6, 2009

Baby's First Independence Day

This year the 4th of July marked 2 different special occasions for Karsen;
1. It was Karsen's first ever holiday and
2. It was also Karsen's 1 month birthday!

The day started out pretty uneventful, mostly because we hadn't made any plans and also it was about 90 degrees outside and our house was really warm.

Karsen spent most of the day in just his diaper to try to keep cool:

Finally around dinner time we headed to my parents' house for a steak and crab dinner. It was just the 5 of us for dinner (Tim, me, Karsen, and my mom & dad.) Later on my sister Tori, my brother Brandon and my cousin Blake (who's in town from New York) showed up.

Here is Blake meeting Karsen for the first time:

After watching some fireworks displays on TV, we decided to set off a few fireworks of our own in the street outside my parents' house. (Karsen stayed inside with my mom while the rest of us went outside.)

Yes I took these pictures!

Tori wanted a picture of her with the sparklers:

Of course Karsen was festively dressed for the occasion (once it got a bit cooler outside) and I of course had to get some pictures of him. Tim has a really cool American flag blanket that I draped over the couch to use as the background for the pictures. I think they turned out pretty good, considering I'm no professional.

I got 2 different outfits for Karsen to wear for the day, mostly because I couldn't decide between the 2 but also just in case he spit up on one, we had a backup.

Here is the other outfit that he ended up not even wearing because it was just too hot:

And we couldn't forget about our first babies...the dogs! Jameson and Turi each got a special treat from the cute little pet shop in Mill Creek, where we also get their dog food.

These treats are called 'dognuts' and are very patriotic!

Karsen also got to try out a new bouncy/rocking chair that we finally took out of the box and put together.

Ok so this is from the next day (Sunday) and he just happens to be wearing the same outfit because he slept in it:

Nothing too exciting, but I couldn't not blog about Karsen's first holiday!

Love, Michaela


Paige Taylor Evans said...

Hi Michaela - found your blog from a post on Erin's - it's been so fun to read what you've been up to lately! You have such a cute little baby boy! And I can't believe how grown up Dani, Brandon and Tori are. Crazy crazy. Whelp, hope you're doing well, keep up the blogging!

The Aprecios said...

How sad is it that when I first saw that picture of Karsen on the top, I thought "Oh, blue line. His diaper is wet." Thats how fast I have to pick up on that with Sam. He gets mad the second he pee's. Looks like Karsen is a little more laid back when he's soggy :)