Tuesday, July 7, 2009

1 Month Checkup

Yesterday Karsen had his 1 month check up at the pediatrician's office. I don't really look forward to these visits, mostly because Karsen always ends up screaming because he doesn't like being poked at - but really who does?

Because we have recently discovered the power of the pacifier, this visit didn't seem as bad as the last 2 times he's been to the doctor.

Here are his 1 month stats:
Weight: 9lbs, 1.5oz / Percentile: 25-50%
Length (Height): 21.25" / Percentile: 50%
Head Circumference: 38.3cm / Percentile: 50-75%

So basically he has a huge head! Haha!

I did manage to take a few pictures of the visit...

Here he is getting examined by Dr. Graham and apparently not enjoying it:

And unfortunately he had to get a shot, which is never fun either:

I'm glad that's over! Can hardly wait for our next visit next month when he has to get even more shots! :-\ Poor guy...

On another note - Today Karsen started wearing his 0-3 month sleepers! They're still a little big on him, but the newborn sized ones are just too small. I guess he'll grow into them.

Love, Michaela

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