Monday, August 17, 2009

2 Month Dr Appt

Also last Tuesday (August 11th), Karsen had his 2 month checkup with his pediatrician. I was dreading the appointment because I knew that he had to get a couple of shots, and no one looks forward to shots.

Here he is fast asleep in his car seat while we waited in the waiting room - little did he know what was about to happen:
First things first - get undressed and get his weight:
Then the nurse got his length measurement:
Next was the head circumference:
Then we waited for the doctor to come in and exam Karsen:
Dr. Robin came in and listened to his heart beat:
He's not so sure what's going on:
Then she checked his ears, which he does not like at all:
Then she put him on his tummy to check his head strength - I did tell he that he had rolled over earlier that day and they she seemed impressed:
After the doctor was done looking at Karsen and told us that he looked perfect, we had to wait for the nurse to come back in to administer the shots to Karsen. When she came back in, she told us that he would be getting 5 different vaccines, one would be orally and the other four would be combined in two shots, one in each thigh. Also, some of the side affects of the vaccines could be diarrhea and/or a fever - yay...

Karsen listening to the nurse explain what was about to happen:
First was the oral vaccine that the nurse said was like sugar water. Karsen made a funny face at first, but he didn't have any problems swallowing all of it:
Then it was time for the shots. This is the picture before:
And here is the picture during the second shot - it was a delayed reaction after the first one:
Karsen was such a trooper through it all and I felt bad for him, but at least babies don't remember for too long.

Here are Karsen's 2 month stats:
Weight: 10lbs, 13oz / Percentile: 25-50%
Length (Height): 23.25" / Percentile: 50-75%
Head Circumference: 40.2cm / Percentile: 50-75%

Later that evening, Karsen started to get a little fussy and seemed to not be feeling well.

This is his "I don't feel good" face - so cute!
I took his temperature and sure enough he had a fever. Poor little guy! At least we have baby Tylenol, thanks to his Auntie Ren! It was his first time getting medicine and he did a good job taking it. I think he liked the grape flavor!

Getting medicine for the first time:
The next morning he woke up and still had the fever, so I gave him more Tylenol. Luckily the fever went away by the afternoon.

He doesn't have to go back to the doctor until October for his 4 month checkup, and he has to have shots again. Really not looking forward to that...

Love, Michaela

1 comment:

Renee said...

I love his sad face picture. That is hilarious!!