Wednesday, October 7, 2009

High School Football Game

Another post past due! Found these pictures on my camera and thought I ought to blog about them (mostly because I plan on turning the blog into a book at the end of the year.)

On Friday, September 18th, we went to the Eastlake High School football game where my sister Tori is a junior and on the cheer team. The school is located in Sammamish, WA. Also that night, Will Smith, Joe Montana and Wayne Gretzky were at a high school football game in Sammamish, WA too! Except they were at Skyline High School, just up the road. But hey, we can say we were that close to some famous people! So far the closest Karsen has been to a celebrity, that we know of anyway.

Karsen before we went into the stadium to find seats:
The Eastlake Cheerleaders (Tori is the blonde in the middle, looking to the side):
Karsen was cheering along too!
After awhile, he fell asleep!
Karsen was doing just fine sleeping thru all the noise of the crowd, and even thru my sister's halftime cheer performance, until the end of the routine. He was sitting in my sister Dani's lap and she cheered at the end of the routine and I think it scared him. I recorded the routine and at the end you can hear Karsen start crying!

Here's the routine:

We left just after the halftime show because Karsen was tired and getting grumpy. But it was fun to see the game and watch my sister perform! Maybe one day (in about 16 years or so) we will be going to every Friday night football game to watch Karsen play! :-)

Love, Michaela

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