Monday, September 7, 2009

First Night in the Crib

Up until 2 Sundays ago (August 30th), Karsen slept in his pack'n'play in our room. Now he's a big boy and sleeps in his beautiful crib in his own room. That Sunday was the first night.

Here is the crib all set-up and ready for him:
The crib in his room:

All swaddled and ready for bed!

Looking at me like "Mom, what is this place?"

Checking out the mobile:
He didn't do too bad sleeping in this crib for the first time. We only had to get up a handful of times to plug him with a pacifier or for me to feed him. Luckily, we have a video monitor so that when he makes a sound we can just look at the screen to see if he's really awake or just dreaming, that way we don't have to go running to his room if he's still asleep.

I must admit that I cried after we put him to bed in his crib for the first time. I didn't cry because I was upset that he wasn't sleeping in our room anymore, I think it was because I was thinking about how fast the last 3 months have gone by and how he as already grown up so much in that period of time.

Speaking of the last 3 months, which is how long my maternity leave was, tomorrow I go back to work. As much as I love my job and the people I work with, I am really sad about having to go back to work because I am going to miss being with Karsen all day. At least he will be at my mom's house and not a daycare where I don't know the people who would be watching him. He'll be in good hands, after all she raised me well! ;-)

I will be getting up earlier than I used to before my maternity leave for two reasons; 1) to make sure I have plenty of time to get me AND Karsen ready for the day (it was hard enough getting just myself ready before!), and 2) I will have to drive to Redmond to drop Karsen off at my mom's, which is about 45 minutes from my house - not anywhere near my way to work, but totally worth it!

Tim gets off work at 1:30PM each day and he will be heading to my parents' house afterwards to pick Karsen up, so at least my mom won't be stuck with him ALL day (although I don't know if she considers it being stuck...).
At least I will have Fridays off each week to be with my little boy!

Tomorrow is going to be a rough day...

Love, Michaela

1 comment:

Paige Taylor Evans said...

How was your first day back at work? Sounds like you've got a sweet plan with your mom taking care of your kiddo. Where do you work anyways?