Sunday, May 24, 2009

39 Week Update

So I am now 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant and absolutely NO sign of this baby wanting to come out! I'm beginning to think that this little guy isn't going to want to come out until June....grrr!

I had my 39 week appointment with my OB Friday afternoon and he checked me and I'm only 1cm dilated - that makes no progress for 3 straight weeks! And to top it all off, it was my last scheduled appointment so I had to make another appointment for this coming Friday (my due date.) I went up to the scheduling desk and asked to make an appointment for next Friday for my 40 weeks. Apparently my doctor is booked that day, so the lady had to call someone to ask if my doctor would allow a double booking. Of course I couldn't hear what the person on the other end of the phone was saying but then the comment from the lady making the call was "it's a 40 weeker." Great - I'm one of "those".

My doctor did talk about induction but said that he doesn't like to do it until between 41 & 41 1/2 weeks because he would prefer for the labor to happen on its own. I of course would prefer for Karsen to decide to come out on his own, but part of me was a bit sad because that would put his birth date well into June and I have had it stuck in my head that I'm going to have this baby in May.

Anyway, Friday was also my last day of work until September, which seems weird to me and a little surreal. I don't think it really will hit me until Tim goes back to work on Tuesday. Actually we're hoping this baby will decide to come before then so that Tim doesn't have to go to work on Tuesday and take a few days off of work. And his work is going to let him work from home for 2 weeks after the baby is born too. Which will be awesome to have him home.

Anyway, just thought I would let any of you who actually read this know that there still is no baby yet.

Love, Michaela

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