Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We Did It!!!

We finally got married this past Saturday!! Boy am I glad that it's all over - HA! The stress of all the planning is finally gone and life can go back to what can be as close to normal as possible. (Maybe I'll even post more often now!!)

I don't have any pictures yet from the wedding. I'm actually dying to see some but no one has posted any yet on MySpace or Facebook or on their blogs!!! AHHH!!

We're actually leaving for Hawaii in just over 12 hours and the plan is to blog about our trip for those of you who may be interested to know what we're up to. So far we're booked to take a helicopter ride and ATV tour on Kauai and go to a luau on Maui. We're also hoping to go ziplining, horseback riding and snorkeling too!

Anyway, better go to bed so that I can get up and pack in the morning!

1 comment:

Erin said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can't WAIT to see pictures!!!:) I so wish I could have been there...:( I miss you! Have a BLAST in HAWAII... as if it's possible not to!:)